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What is Constipation?

Constipation is a situation where the movements in the bowel are less than normal or these movements are forced. Another name for constipation is constipation. Generally, many people will experience constipation at some point in their lives. Although this discomfort is not a very serious health problem, the person feels uncomfortable when the symptoms begin.

The duration of bowel movements varies from person to person. Some people poop three times a day, while for others it’s just a few days a week. But not going to the toilet for three or more days is a very long time. Prolonged constipation  occurs when the duration is prolonged  . After the third day, the stool begins to harden and it becomes difficult to go to the toilet. So what is constipation? The answer to this question is briefly; It can be given as three or less than three toilet visits per week.

How Is Constipation Passed?

What is good for constipation? Drinking two to four glasses of water more than the daily rate will be effective in relieving constipation. For the solution of constipation, the consumption of warm water, especially in the morning, is effective. Apart from that, among the foods that are good for constipation, consumption of whole grains and prunes are important. In addition, exercise performed three days a week is among the methods that can be applied to relieve constipation. When the human body moves, its intestines also start to work more actively. In the meantime, the desire to go to the toilet should not be resisted.

Apart from these, there are many kinds of constipation remedies and laxatives. Laxative or laxative, which is among the over-the-counter constipation remedies  , can relieve constipation. But each laxative works differently to relieve constipation. It is necessary to consult a doctor first to understand whether a medicine or laxative for constipation will be effective or to determine how long to use it.

Things that are good for constipation  include foods that speed up bowel movements and medications that help relieve constipation. One of the most preferred among these drugs is fiber supplements. These bulking laxatives are often known as the safest option and instant solution to constipation.

So, what should be done for constipation? Taking laxatives, which are fiber supplements, with plenty of water allows the process to be resolved easily. In addition  , constipation syrup  or suppository for constipation are among the options that can be preferred. Stimulant laxatives, called stimulants, cause the muscles in the intestines to move rhythmically. Lubricants allow stool to move more easily through the intestines. Stool softeners moisten and soften the stool. How to relieve constipation? This is the comprehensive explanation of the question.

What Causes Constipation?

Constipation can have many causes related to lifestyle and diet. Apart from that, changes in foods and daily living activities during the  diet also  cause constipation in the diet. Not taking enough fiber foods and fluids during feeding is another reason. Constipating foods include:

  • White bread,
  • Alcohol,
  • Caffeine,
  • Potato,
  • Banana,
  • Consumption of solid and dry food constantly.

An inactive lifestyle or resisting the urge to go to the toilet can also lead to constipation. Stress is one of the main reasons.

Prolonged use of laxatives or laxatives leads to constipation. Strong pain relievers, antidepressants, antacid drugs containing calcium or aluminum, and iron pills can also cause constipation. Some eating disorders, pregnancy, digestive system disorders, muscle problems, irritable bowel syndrome, some neurological problems such as Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis, and problems such as underactive thyroid and hypothyroidism cause  chronic constipation  syndromes.

Constipation Symptoms

If there is a decrease in the number of people  going to the  toilet, if there is a feeling of difficulty during the toilet, if there is a small or hard stool, it means that the symptoms of this disease have started to show. In addition, if there is no feeling that the intestines are completely empty after the toilet and the belly bloating continues, it is possible to say that the discomfort has started.

In addition to these, the need to apply pressure to the belly or abdomen area or to get support with fingers in order to empty the intestines are among the symptoms. If there is a feeling of cramping, inability to pass gas or abdominal pain other than the sudden onset of constipation  , and if you cannot go to the toilet, you should go to the doctor immediately.

If the measures taken with the onset of constipation are not sufficient and  blood  is seen in the stool, it is the right step to see a specialist. In addition to these, if there is a change in stool size, shape and consistency with involuntary weight loss and severe, painful bowel movements, a doctor should be consulted.

When a doctor is consulted for long-lasting discomfort, the doctor will recommend some tests. These tests help better find the cause of the discomfort. Some of the tests are:

  • Biochemical and hormonal blood tests,
  • Tests for the control of the breech muscles,
  • Tests to see how waste moves through the intestines,
  • Colonoscopy to check for colonic obstruction.

These tests help develop a treatment method to keep records of stool characteristics, bowel movements, diet, and other factors that cause constipation.

Is Constipation Dangerous?

Constipation symptoms  may indicate a serious condition and may require immediate medical attention. It is possible to understand whether constipation is dangerous from the following symptoms.

  • Painful abdominal cramps and discomfort when going to the toilet, which can lead to excessive vomiting.
  • The number of days in which one cannot go to the toilet if the drug is not used is seven days or more.
  • Seeing blood in the stool.
  • Constantly going back and forth between diarrhea and being constipated.
  • The shape of the outside (To be very thin).
  • Sudden weight loss.

Another risk of constipation is the   formation of hemorrhoids . If you are constantly pushing yourself to go to the toilet, you are doing serious damage to your intestines. If you see any blood or abnormality in your anus, you should contact your doctor immediately.

Constipation is a common condition in newborns and 2-month-old babies. Switching to solid foods and mother’s constipation in breastfed babies can trigger this. So,  what is good for constipation in babies? The best answer to this question would be to review the foods given to the baby. If foods such as bananas, carrots, cola, tea and apples are consumed excessively, they should be avoided for a while. “What is good for constipation in children?” The following suggestions can be given to the question:

  • Ensuring good toilet habits.
  • Do not go to the toilet after each meal.
  • Intensification of fluid consumption,
  • Consumption of fibrous food.

Being Constipated During Pregnancy

Constipation problems during pregnancy may be related to changes in the mother’s diet. In order to understand the real reason for this, the mother should share a detailed analysis of the pregnancy period with her doctor. The mother can also include teas that are good for constipation under the control of a doctor. These; teas such as fennel, senna, apple, dandelion, rosemary, nettle. These foods can be given as an example to the question “ What is good for severe constipation?”  .

Does milk or  yogurt cause constipation ? We can answer “yes” to these questions if it is consumed too much and irregularly. Some substances in milk and yogurt can trigger constipation. For this reason, those who frequently encounter this ailment should pay attention to their consumption. The products in question should generally be preferred without lactose.

The soup that is good for constipation  is vegetable soup. In addition, boiling prunes and dried apricots helps prevent constipation. By clicking here  , you can access information about other diseases and treatments that we have discussed for you.

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